fly into a temper

Ƣ Ȼŭ
in/into a temperƢ
fly in amberɫ
to attemper
feline distemperèè
fiery temper𱬣Ƣ
to obtemperõ
to retemper»ػ
to temperĥ
to untemperյ
Whatever itis, Wu Kong is fly into a temper, which gets him into trouble countless of times.ǰβסԼƢ鷳
Her boss would fly into a temper if a project wasn't done on time.ûаʱϰ
The man would fly into a temper at seasons just because of trivial matters.˳С¶.
We all found Mr. Smith a bit weird, for every time at the mere mention of roses he would fly into a temper.Ƕʷ˹е죬Ϊÿἰõ廨ʱἴ̴